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Category Sales Report

Sales Reports broken down by Category

Chris avatar
Written by Chris
Updated over a week ago

The Category Sales Report will show you all the products that have sold in a given date range, separated by Category. The report shows total costs and profitability to give you a complete picture of your business. 

Click the following links for more information on:

Report Summary

The columns in this report include:

  • Product

  • Variant

  • Sold

  • Total Revenue (this number may appear higher than net sales, transaction-level discounts not included)

  • Costs of goods sold (COGS)

  • Total Profit (including a profit margin %)

    • Profit Margin (%) will be its own column when downloaded as a CSV

The Summary Boxes are the multi-colored boxes at the top of the report that provide a synopsis of certain aspects of the report. Included in this report are:

  • Net Sales = Total Net Profit for products sold, minus refunds. This figure does not include adjustments that apply to the sale but not individual line items, such as transaction fees.

  • Gross Profit = Gross Sales - Gross COGS

  • Transactions = Total number of transactions.

  • Products = Sum of products sold during range (minus any refunded products).

Things to Note:

  • If a product has multiple categories assigned to it at the time of sale, the sold product will show up under each in the Category Sales Report.

  • Category results do not include subcategories, only the specific category named. For example, "Apparel" sales will not include sales for "Shirts" or "Pants".

  • To view Product History and Cost History, you must have only one location selected if you have more than one location. 

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