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Warehouse Locations

Manage a separate reserve of inventory

Sean Staicer avatar
Written by Sean Staicer
Updated over a week ago

Many businesses have a standalone warehouse, off-site storage, backroom, or pantry used to run their business.

Manage warehouse inventory separately from the other location's inventory and transfer quantities between locations when necessary by using Thrive.

  • NOTE: A warehouse location counts towards the total number allowed with your particular plan. For more details about current plans and location limits, click here!

Any location without a point-of-sale integration is considered a "Warehouse" location.

Creating a Warehouse Location

Managing a Warehouse Location

Once the warehouse location is created, manage it just like other locations in Thrive.

Since there is no point-of-sale connected, only changes made in Thrive will have any effect on warehouse quantities. Warehouse locations are only for storage and warehouse actions like transfers.

To transfer warehoused quantities from a warehouse location, please check out our guide on internal transfers.

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