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Active vs Inactive Products

Deciding whether a product should be active or inactive.

Kayla avatar
Written by Kayla
Updated over a week ago

Active products will appear on your integration and will be available for sale. Inactive products will NOT be available on your integration. It will still be available on the Products page on Thrive.

Use Case Examples

If you have a retail store and want to receive a product into inventory but not sell it until a certain date, you can simply deactivate (set Inactive) the products for now. That will keep it from appearing on the point of sale, but we will track it in Thrive. 

If you have a restaurant/bar/café, you likely don't want your employees to be able to sell raw ingredients to your Customers. Simply mark those products as Inactive. Thrive will still track them if they're used in Bundles and/or received manually.

Some businesses even prefer to track things like office supplies and cleaning products via Thrive. 

There are several reasons, from seasonality to recalls to weekend-only specials. Thrive allows you to determine what inventory is and is not for sale.

  • NOTE: Some sales integrations, like Square, allow items to sync without active locations. In these cases, inactive items will still appear in your Square web dashboard. They will not be enabled at any locations, however, or be available for customers at your point of sale.

Bulk Options

In the Create Products and Variants (or Create Products with Attributes) Bulk Upload, use the Active column to designate products to be inactive. If this column is not altered, products will be created as active by default.

To edit the current status of products, use the Edit Products Bulk Upload. In column T, you'll see the current status, and in column U, you can change the status using the dropdown menu.

Things to Note:

When a product is made inactive, the tie is severed between Thrive and the integration. That means when the item is switched back to active, it will override any changes made to the item within the integration.

Depending on the integration, deactivating a product in Thrive can delete the product from the integration entirely. Before deactivating numerous products, we recommend testing one product so you can see the effects before applying it to numerous products. This can result in product reviews being deleted for the product in the case of BigCommerce.

Our Active toggle does not influence a product's Online Availability for Shopify. More information can be found here.

For more information on how Thrive syncs with integrations, check out the article: How Thrive Syncs

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