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Bundles: Cases (Example)

How to use Bundles to manage cases.

Joe Barlow avatar
Written by Joe Barlow
Updated over 9 months ago

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Receiving Cases & Selling Singles

If you order in bulk and sell individually (for example you buy in 6-packs, cases of 30 etc.), it usually works best to add your case to Thrive as the non-bundled product you will be tracking and Bundle it to the individual unit.

For example, let's say you order beer from your vendor by the 6-pack:

  1. Create a Product. I'll put the brand name "Premium Beverage" as my Product name, and the unit "6-pack” as my variant name.

  2. Add the cost and price of the full 6-pack. 

  3. If you sell full cases to your customers, you can skip to Step 5.

  4. If you don't sell by the case, make the Product inactive and Save. Now, go to the Products & Variants tab and create a brand new product for the single.

  5. Add a variant for the individual unit, and label it clearly with "Single" in the variant name.

  6. Set your bottle price in the Price field. Then use the gear wheel to convert the product to a Bundle. (See screenshot below)

  7. Select "Premium Beverage (6-pack)" as the component Product. A bottle is equal to ⅙ of the case, so enter 0.166 as the quantity.

    1. NOTE: For more direction on how we got the number, please read this article.

Now, when you receive a case into inventory, you'll see that the quantity in stock for your single bottle goes up proportionately.

You can still sell the full case, pricing is not dependent, so you can set whatever price you'd like for each variant.

Pros and Cons of Receiving Cases and Selling Singles


  • The Case can be added to PO’s without having to fill in cost.

  • The Case gets default and lot costs for accurate cost tracking / order history.


  • Any rounding of the component decimal can introduce error in the component quantity, because we allow only up to 3 decimal places.

  • If components are available to sell online, the wrong quantity could be displayed, leading to overselling.

Receiving Singles & Selling Cases

Instead of making your case a Product, it's possible to do the reverse and make your case the Bundle comprised of multiple individual products.

In this instance, simply do the opposite of the directions above:

  • The Single will be the regular product

  • The 6-pack will be the Bundle

  • Instead of .166 6-packs = 1 Single Bundle,
    you will say 6 Singles = 1 6-pack Bundle

  • This means you will order and receive the Singles

For more guidance on figuring out the right quantity check out our article on Math for Assemblies, Bundles, and Modifiers.

Pros and Cons of Receiving Singles and Selling Cases


  • Single quantities are always accurate

  • Easier to rectify any Case quantity errors, because you can see at a glance the Case quantities, and an exact Case count can be calculated from the Single quantity


  • High potential for error in the calculated cost of the Case, since we have to round to the cent and then multiply by the number of items in the bundle

  • Cases can still be received via POs with a manually entered cost, but that value doesn’t get translated to item lot costs since the lot cost is based on the Single.

Trouble deciding what should be the Bundle or component?

Which product should you make the Bundle? Which product should the bundle ultimately pull from? There are many factors to think about. Click below for a full guide to help you make the right choice:

Things to Note:

  • Component quantities that don’t fit into 3 decimals will have errors in quantity. Read more about rounding implications here.

  • Component costs that don’t break down 2 decimals will have errors in costs/profit.

  • Both Item and Bundle quantities can be adjusted directly. The other will recalculate.

  • If accurate quantities are first priority, make the item your Single.

  • If accurate cost tracking and easy ordering is first priority, make the item your case.

  • You can always adjust the components directly if you find that the limitation of only being able to use 3 decimals is causing major discrepancies.

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