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Inventory By Location Report

See the total value of each of your locations.

Chris avatar
Written by Chris
Updated over a week ago

Access your overall (and individual locations) Total Value, Potential Revenue, Potential Profit, and Quantity in Stock for each location with one quick report. This report is ideal for a quick health check on where your inventory levels are at and easily compares across locations.

Much like the Inventory Report, the first prompt is to choose a specific date and time for the report to be generated. Don't forget, the preset options are incredibly helpful. A report can be generated for Now, Yesterday, Last Month, or Last Year at the click of a button, or a custom date and time.

Report Summary

Use the "Filter" button to hone in on your results and the "Display" button to hide certain columns from view. The available columns in this report include:

  • Location

  • Total Value

  • Potential Revenue

  • Quantity In Stock

The Summary Boxes are the multi-colored boxes at the top of the report that provide a synopsis of certain aspects of the report. Included in this report are:

  • Total Value (sum of all the locations)

  • Potential Revenue (sum of all the locations)

  • Potential Profit (sum of all the locations)

  • Quantity in Stock (sum of all the locations)

Downloading your Report

To save your report (or schedule it to run for you), click the "Actions" button. Options to "Schedule this Report" or download as a PDF or CSV will be available for you. For more information on saving and scheduling reports, click here:

Things to Note:

  • Show more locations per page, by selecting a new option on the bottom-right of the page.

  • Click on the column heading to re-sort the entire report.

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