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Undoing an Assembly Run

Reverse an Assembly and turn outputs back into inputs.

Chris avatar
Written by Chris
Updated over a week ago

There are many reasons to undo or reverse an Assembly that was previously run, so we have given you the tools to do so.

Maybe you fell short on the raw ingredients, got over-ambitious, or misentered the number of runs that you could complete. No matter how it happened, we can help reverse the process and turn those outputs back into inputs for you.

Step One: Enable the Setting

On the enhanced navigation, access Assembly-specific settings by clicking Settings > Assemblies as shown here:

Here you'll find the option to reverse Assemblies and set a limit on how far back a reverse can be performed. Enable that toggle and enter the number of days.

Be sure to save your changes!

Step Two: Reverse Assembly

Navigate to the Assembly Runs page.

Since that setting is now enabled, you'll see an "Undo" column on the right of the screen as shown here:

Click the "undo arrow" to see a confirmation screen and make sure this is the Assembly that you want to be undone.

Keep in mind that continuing this process will undo the stock movements from the selected Assembly run. Any costs associated with the run itself will not return, only the costs associated with the template(s) in this run.

Once you're ready, hit the "Continue Run" button to complete the action.

Looking to 'undo' a partial run?

At this time, there is no way to partially undo an Assembly Run. Our recommendation is to undo the run completely, and then run it again for the correct amount.

For example, if you executed an Assembly Run for 10 pans of muffins before you actually started the mixing and baking process. Then, you ran out of time and were only able to bake 9 of the 10 pans.

In this case, we would recommend that you 1) undo the run for the 10 pans (using the steps above) and then 2) run it again for 9 pans.

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