How to Create a Barcode

Creating barcodes in Thrive individually or in bulk.

Natalie avatar
Written by Natalie
Updated over a week ago

The barcode field in Thrive is typically used to enter a UPC (Universal Product Code), which is usually the barcode number on the product itself. Barcodes can be used to identify one product or a group of products.

We have various methods for generating scannable barcodes or adding the existing UPC to Thrive. This article will explain how to add barcodes individually or in bulk.

Generating a barcode from the Product Page (individually):

  1. Go to the Catalog tab and click on an existing product to edit it (or create a new product).

  2. Under the SKU field, click Generate SKU. (You will only see the Generate SKU option if the SKU field is blank.)

  3. Under the Barcode field, click Copy SKU. (You will only see the Copy SKU option if the barcode field is blank.)

Scanning in the existing barcode from the Product Page (individually):

  1. Type the barcode into the barcode field on the product details page.


  2. Use a compatible scanner to populate the numbers in the barcode field. (Connect the scanner to your computer, and if applicable, enable the scanner to be in keyboard mode. Then, click your cursor into the barcode field, and then scan the barcode)

Generating barcodes from the advanced tab & spreadsheet (in bulk):

  1. Click the Generate SKUs task for all products without SKUs task from the Advanced page. (This option only works if you do not have existing SKUs.)

  2. Next, open the Bulk Edit Variants spreadsheet by going to the Catalog tab, clicking the "Actions" button, clicking "Bulk Upload", and generating the Edit Variants spreadsheet for the relevant location(s).

  3. Copy the existing SKU column into the new Barcode column.

  4. Submit the spreadsheet.

Here is a quick video of the above steps. 📹

Scanning in existing barcodes onto a spreadsheet (in bulk):

  1. Open the Bulk Edit Variants spreadsheet, by going to the Catalog tab, clicking the "Actions" button, then "Bulk Upload," and generating an Edit Variants spreadsheet.

  2. Connect your scanner to the computer, place your cursor in the product’s new barcode field, and then scan the barcode.

  3. Repeat the process for each product.

  4. Submit the spreadsheet.

Printing Tags and Labels

Once you have the SKUs or barcodes added, you can choose whether you want your price tags/labels generated from the SKU or barcode field. We'll create pre-formatted PDF files you can print.

Read more about printing labels, supported printers, compatible sizes, supported SKU/barcode formats, and label examples here:

Things to Note:

  • Each variant can only have one barcode assigned to it.

  • Barcodes can be the same for multiple variants, but SKUs must be unique.

  • Not every integration supports both SKUs and Barcodes. To check yours, click here.

  • Thrive generates scannable 12-digit SKUs, which can then be copied to the barcode field, printed on labels, and scanned at checkout.

  • Tags/Labels generated from the SKU field will not scan on the Shopify POS. Instead, use the Barcode field.

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